
A one-horsepower "blog and pony" show, commenting on events, discussions and futurism in the Apple world. Being too lazy to write real articles, we stoop as low as to produce brief insights - analysis, discussions, fast inwinations... eh, inspirations, etc
Anything that can be produced in the span of time between powering up a PowerBook and starting a "crown-jewel" barbecue party is within our reach - as long as it doesn't mean having to get up from the armchair...

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Returning quietly from the night

I decided at one point that most of what I had knowledge of had been told or hinted at here, and so I laid low for a while... for quite a while, as it turned out (look at my last entry below). A lot has happened since, and a good deal of the products and introductions I mentioned have by now come to be or - Apple being Apple, as any casual observer may verify - have been consigned to the Infinity Loop version of Area 51, there to remain in shadowland or be called forth Ogier the Dane-like at some later time of need...

But now it is time to activate this bloq again. I no longer have direct insights into upcoming Apple products or strategic decisions, and I do not have the all-consuming interest in such things that I used to have, for several reasons. Primarily, I have less need of the arrival of certain new categories of technology; secondarily, the already existing Apple (and Apple-related) products are by and large powerful and versatile enough to satisfy the demands made of my - and most other users' - life situation.

If this all sounds rather cloudy, I believe future entries will enlighten the reader over time as to what I more precisely have in mind. At any rate, I have decided to open the place up again, but on a more casual basis: rather than mainly discussing Apple, I will mainly be discussing the use of Apple products in daily life, partly for general amusement and inspiration, partly because I believe some of the frustrations and solutions I encounter may be of help to one or another.

Again - this sounds rather like the Mini Ture_MacJournal but hopefully will turn out to be a less confusing read, style-wise (having said that, I very much agree with many of the sentiments expressed in the aforementioned blog). At any rate, here goes... and please do respond to any points you feel worthy of such an action.

- Oh, and to mark the transition to the new focus of this blog, I have changed the typography to something that is less 'it' and more readable...
